
Necron Canoptek Wraiths


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140,00 zł

While a Tomb World slumbers, Canoptek Wraiths are its eyes and ears. Canoptek Wraiths flit silently through the dusty halls, patrolling for intruders and inspecting systems for damage and decay. Their most notable feature is their dimensional destabilisation matrix - a phase shifter that allows them to skip in and out of reality. While originally designed to allow a Canoptek Wraith to reach into and repair solid machinery, the dimensional destabilisation matrix is no less valuable when dealing with intruders. A Canoptek Wraith can phase its claws and tendrils inside an opponent, swiftly resolidifying them to sever arteries, nerve clusters and other vital pathways without leaving an external mark to show for it.

There's always going to be an enemy unit that's going to mess with your strategy, and the Canoptek Wraiths are ideal for taking down that unit. Because of their speed and their ability to move undeterred through terrain (quite literally), the Canoptek Wraiths can soon hunt down the most irritating models within your enemy's army, no matter where they're hiding, ensuring that your well-calculated plans are brought back into line.

This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 135 components with which to build 3 Necron Canoptek Wraiths. This set comes with 3 Citadel 40mm Round bases.


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